Lee Willis

Custom model events with Laravel 5.4


Laravel’s eloquent ORM has a nice system for tracking, and responding to events on models. This allows you to create an Observer class that handles code that should run when various actions are performed on a model. There are a set of standard events (created, updated, deleted etc.) that can be used to achieve many things. These can be useful if you need to send notifications when a new model is created, or update something when a model is updated.

However, as your models get more complex, you may find yourself needing different events. Imagine you have a content model which has statuses, for example draft, pending review, and published. If you want to perform different actions based on the model status then you can attach an observer to the model, and listed for the created / updated events.

You can then check the new status and fire off the relevant code. This can get messy though, and also doesn’t reflect what happened to the model to move it into it’s current status. For example, is the content in “pending review” because it’s a draft that someone wants to publish, or an article that was published but has been bumped back down for review? The current model status doesn’t tell you that.

Now, you can create your own events in Laravel, and fire them off, however that would mean you have some event listeners in your model observer, and some in a bespoke event listener. Messy.

It’s nicer to be able to handle everything the same way. Fortunately Eloquent’s model event system can be extended to support custom events which you can fire at the appropriate point.

To add a new event, simply set the $observables property on your model.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class MyContentModel extends Model
   * Additional observable events.
  protected $observables = [

This tells Laravel that there are two new model events that an observer can listen for. In our observer, we can listed to these by defining the appropriate function as we would with any of the standard events:


namespace App\Observers;

class MyContentObserver

  public function sentforreview(MyContent $myContent)
    // Your logic here.

  public function rejected(MyContent $myContent)
    // Your logic here.


So far, so good. We have defined our custom observables, and built a method to listed for them. However – the event will never be fired. After all, Laravel doesn’t know when it should be fired. Firing the event is simple though. Within your model you simply call fireModelEvent() and tell it the event you are firing, for example:


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class MyContentModel extends Model
  public function sendForReview()
     // Do any other updates to the model here.
     // Then fire the event.
     $this->fireModelEvent('sentforreview', false);

  public function reject()
     // Do any other updates to the model here.
     // Then fire the event.
     $this->fireModelEvent('rejected', false);

Now, you can have a single model observer that handles standard, and custom events keeping everything nice and tidy.


  1. Nice!
    Came here from your comment on a Laracast topic related to this. I pretty much did the same thing, I just added support for passing additional parameters instead of just the model firing the events via a trait method.

  2. This is actually pretty dangerous code. The last thing you want to do is allow events to be fired via public functions. This breaks the Law of Demeter and opens your model up to all sorts of abuses by less than savvy devs.

    • There’s always one…

      In @Theodore’s one sweeping comment, he’s making a lot of assumptions about the scale of the project and the dev team’s competence (if there even is a team). I know a more widely adopted law that this tutorial does follow – KISS.

  3. I created something similar for pivot tables :

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